Key Account Management – Building Strategic Partnerships with Employers

“Building employer training partnerships for the future”

Many FE Colleges and training providers have a good profile of employers, but how many of these are key or strategic accounts? How many of these employers see your organisation as their preferred supplier for training and employment? The UK training and development market is becoming increasingly competitive and the need to develop and maintain key accounts has never been greater.


Key accounts are critical for future college success. The importance of developing high profile employer partnerships to increase apprenticeship, commercial training and work placement opportunities, as well as providing support to shape curriculum development for the future has never been greater. In order to build a competitive advantage, you will understand the importance of developing high-value business partnerships with employers. Developing wider and deeper strategic relationships with key existing and new employer customers is key to future success.

Course Overview

This course is designed to enable you to develop a business partner relationship with identified key employers. Delegates will focus on relationship management techniques, developing a key account plan and implementing strategies to increase multiple business opportunities.

This course is aimed at business development professionals at all levels, as well as managers and staff across the organisation that need to build and extend partnerships with employers.

Course content

Session 1: Strategic Partnerships with Employers

  • Survival of the fittest – The importance of developing business partnerships with employers
  • What is a key account? – Profile and identify the types of key accounts
  • Your role as a key account manager
  • Account management v Key account management

Session 2: Developing Strategic Key Account Plans

  • Business partner or business service? – Where are you on the customer perception ladder?
  • Create a key account plan
  • Strategic planning – Set key account plan objectives
  • Develop a business engagement strategy and action plan

Session 3: Relationship Management Techniques

  • Identify the 4 types of people in a key account
  • Develop communication techniques – Matching thinking styles
  • Create an internal key account culture – Key account models
  • Create a business partner relationship with employers

Session 4: The Employer Engagement Journey

  • Review key learning points
  • Group presentations and commitments
  • Develop personal action plan

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